We have been invaded by horseflies. They began getting bad a few weeks ago, but lately they have reached the unbearable stage. We began boarding a friends horse a couple of weeks ago, and the horse is constantly swarmed with them. Spray seems to work for the horse, but not for us humans.
They are so bad around our pool that the kids hardly swim anymore. I bought a fly trap that I had read would attract them and kill them, but all I've gotten so far is regular flies. I then read that horseflies are not attracted by odor but by sight. I can't believe that the internet was wrong!!
If anyone has a solution for this problem, please pass it along. I really don't blame the horse, because it hangs out around the bard and in the arena, which is a long way from our pool area.
I will send a box of cookies to any CBN'er that can solve my problem.